I decided to take the day off for resting, enjoying some good food at the campsite restaurant and talking with fellow travelers. Also, I needed some rest for my knees, which had a tiny problem: because of the bad design of the inner lining of the Revit pants, the knee pads were scraping my skin off.

I remember meeting a group of people that were on a tour of Namibia in what looked like a rugged bus. Curiosity made me look up that company on the Internet and I really felt blessed being on my amazing trip when I found out the costs of such an organized one.

Fish River Canyon, a ravine 160 kilometers long and up to 550 meters deep was imposing, to say the least. It was one of the highlights of the trip.

After planning the gas stops for the next day (I had 190 kilometers worth of fuel remaining and the next large town Lüderitz was 400 kilometers away), I went to sleep under the watchful eye of an owl.

Raw journal notes from that day:
Took care of some administrative matters
Took some rest to recover; knees look bad, will have to sort it before continuing
Had some real food
Watched cars come and go
Went to see the sunset Drones forbidden, went to another place further away
Did the planning for the next day with fuel. Only around 190 km remaining, Luderitz 400 km away. Found a gas station 15 km away, will see if it is real or not.
Had a chat with two overlanders from the Netherlands that rented a 4×4 in Windhoek and were touring Namibia